Why Arnold’s “Legacy” Claim is a Fraud
The day before the Legislature passed the third patchwork version of California’s budget in 10 months, Gov. Schwarzenegger took to “Flashreport,” the state’s leading conservative web site, to claim “a...
View ArticleWeekend Swap Meet: Taxes, Death & Sarah Palin
A bump for Keeley: One largely overlooked finding in news coverage of this week’s much-discussed PPIC poll was evidence of strong statewide support for a pollution tax on carbon-based fuels. As a...
View ArticleCon Con & Cal Forward: Form vs. Substance
By Fred Keeley Special to Calbuzz If not the most devalued word in the English language, “reform” must be in the top 10. From our governor, to individual and creative mixings and matchings of...
View ArticleSwap Meet: Keeley Blows Whistle on Parsky
You may recall the much vaunted, blue ribbon, bi-partisan panel called the Commission on the 21st Century Economy, that Gov. Schwarzmuscle and the Legislature appointed to study California’s tax...
View ArticleKeeley: California Forward Not Dead, Still Kicking
By Fred Keeley Special to Calbuzz I come to praise California Forward, not to bury it. Actually, I have no real issue with Calbuzz’s micro-reporting on the narrow point of whether or not California...
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